Every project needs a properly structured plan that guides the renovation process; a roadmap with details. CHIZLD provides numerous services to assist you with the planning of your project including planning & design, construction (CAD) drawings, project management, permit applications, and interior design. We provide full BCIN stamped designs and permit blueprints.
With our planning & design process, you receive the benefits of having your project professionally planned, designed, and installed. The costs to properly plan are far less than the costs incurred by not planning at all. In most cases, our planning fees are set against the cost of your project, so get your “free estimates” from other contractors, then sit down with us to see the difference.
Locating contractors and getting “free estimates” is one way to start a renovation, but it may not be the best approach. This method may ignore key design elements of your project, and details of materials and installation methods. These estimates also typically underestimate actual project costs. Here’s why:
Contractors need extremely specific details from you to provide an accurate bid -- details that often require planning and design.
Planning without setting a budget is the single biggest mistake a homeowner can make concerning their renovation.
``FREE Estimates`` rarely include everything, and will ultimately lead to changes and changed orders that will raise the final price you pay.
Major decisions left until after renovations are started can cause delays, as well as problems for the homeowner, contractor, and trades.
To effectively compare quotes, the scope of work must be extremely well defined.
Remember, most qualified and reputable contractors may sometimes reject competitive bidding because a detailed and comprehensive estimate involves an incredible amount of time and effort. Investing in this process, only to lose the job to a lower, and possibly less thorough bid, does not make sense.